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Home > Daeat treatment > How to lose weight
That is how a weight loss diet is suppose to be.
- 01Expertise is needed
- Weight loss fails not because of the lack of determination. Detailed analysis and experience from a professional is needed to find a weight loss solution catered to your needs.
- 02It should be achievable for everyone
- A weight loss method that can be adapted easily by men and women of all ages.
- 03It must be healthy
- A weight loss method that harms your health is not acceptable. It has to be a method that takes health into consideration.
Daeat uses medically influenced physical condition improvement to induce weight loss.
We choose a method that transforms the physical condition to one that does not gain weight, introducing a weight loss system that uses Korean medicine prescription and Western medical procedures that suits each individual need.
- Step 01
- Examination & Diagnosis
- Step 02
- Korean medicine prescription
- Step 03
- Western medical procedures
- Step 04
- Machine therapy
- Step 05
- Health care
- Step 06
- One on one management
- Step 01Thorough Examination Process
- Everyone is different, and every physical condition is different.
- Therefore there is a need to find the right prescription through a detailed diagnosis based on your personal physical condition and lifestyle.
- With the understanding of the physical condition and safety of Korean medicine, along with the scientific diagnosis and equipment of Western medicine, a medically influenced physical condition improvement weight loss method is born.
- Step 02Individually catered Korean medicine prescription.
- The one prescription for all method exposes us to the risk of side effects, and weight lost tends to bounce back up like a yoyo once consumption of medication stops.
- Daeat uses more than 300 different types of Korean medicine prescriptions that is individually catered based on your physical condition and lifestyle, making healthy weight loss possible.
- Step 03Cutting edge Western treatment for weight loss
- Western medicine uses knowledge learned from human anatomy to achieve fast and effective weight loss.
- At Daeat hospital of korean medicine, subcutaneous fat is removed using scientific diagnosis derived from cutting edge technology and western procedures that concentrate on removing fat in local areas.
- Step 04Medical machine therapy
- The core to weight loss and achieving a beautiful body line is through toxic waste removal from the body and retuning the body’s basic functionality and circulation.
- Through various medical machine therapy that uses high & medium frequency waves, ultrasonic waves, cellulite is reduced, and circulation is improved to boost weight loss effects.
- Step 05Posture rectifying healthcare
- Acute weight gain can cause an imbalance in our body.
- Daeat hospital of korean medicine operates a healthcare lounge within its premises helping you with both weight loss and posture retuning at the same time encouraging quick and healthy transformations of your body.
- Step 06Systemic personal care
- A professional consultant will personally carry on a 1:1 management and be responsible to help you with the 1st to the last step of your weight loss journey.
- A professional nutritionist will assist you with nutrition advice so that you maintain a balanced diet.
- What is glucose(sugar)?
- It is also known as a carbohydrate, but to be exact, carbohydrates are glucose combined with some sort of fiber. Glucose on the other hand is merely just one component in the carbohydrate composition.
- Glucose found in one bowl of rice is similar to glucose found in 18 cubes of sugar. Alike rice, bread, noodles and similar foods have high levels of sugar that causes a sharp rise in the blood sugar levels in our body.
- The above effect is often called the blood sugar level spike, and these spikes can cause cardiovascular diseases in the long run.
Sugar intake needs to be controlled in order achieve weight loss
When there is a blood sugar spike, to lower the blood sugar levels our body will release insulin that will be stored as glycogen our the liver.
There is limit to how much glycogen our liver can store and if we consume more sugar than what is needed, the sugar will be transformed into and stored as body fat. That is why insulin is also known as the fat storing hormone.
There are 2 types of engines in our body
One which uses sugar as an energy source, and one which uses fats as an energy source. Therefore if we reduce sugar intake, it will change gears using fat as the main energy source, improving our physical condition and train the body to burn fat.

Weight loss diets should not harm your health.
Low sugar diets does not reduce food intake like calorie deficit diets, maintaining the metabolism and reducing insulin sensitivity resulting in a healthy weight loss method.
- Calorie deficit diet
- Control food intake Burn muscle for energy Low metabolism rate Increase insulin sensitivity ↓ Transform into a body that gains weight easily
- Low sugar diet
- Maintain food intake Burn fat for energy Maintain metabolism rate Reduce insulin sensitivity ↓ Transform into a body that does not gain weight easily
Personal experience,
continuous research
This low sugar diet method is developed via continuous research and personal experience by our representative doctor Bang Min Woo himself.
Hence proudly being able to put his name upfront as an expert in the low sugar diet.